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Paysages Franciscains - Gabriel Pierné

Transcription for Wind Orchestra: Jean-Jacques Charles


Paysages franciscains (1920) - Gabriel Pierné, opus 43
Transcription for Wind Orchestra: Jean-Jacques Charles

This suite is inspired by the Pèlerinages franciscains (1910) by the Danish writer Johannes Jørgensen (1866 - 1956).

- I -
In the garden of Saint Clare
The convent of Saint Damien
The church of Saint-Damien is all dark, for the evening is approaching...; the air is as if it were golden, behind the delicate foliage of the olive groves and the fountain murmurs below the rampart... I hear in the distance, on the green countryside, resound the monotonous call of the cuckoo: bells also tinkle vaguely, as if asleep... The smoke of the houses rises calm and straight in the transparent atmosphere, like a smoke of incense which goes up towards the throne of the Lord.

- II -
The olive groves of the plain of Assisi
Autumn twilight
Yes, it is indeed the melody that I heard rising from the olive groves of the surroundings of Assisi, on clear autumn evenings; I see again the infinite plain, marvelously green, and surrounded by mountains that recede in the blue haze of the evening, to end up fading away completely, confused with the clouds of pale gold, under the red edge of the twilight sky. A great ray of sunshine falls on this plain as on a green sea; and the white houses, scattered, sparkle like a fleet of brilliant sails.

- III -
On the road to Poggio-Bustone
The procession
...And I continue to go, going up and down, through fields or vast forests, until finally a new and infinitely curious spectacle is offered to me. Before me stretches a "paese", a small village, all filled with the preparations of a festival. I see a swarm of colorful costumes, and hear a buzz of voices. Hastening my steps, I soon find myself in the church square, where, on all sides, white scarves adorned with lace surround me, as well as the yellow, red, blue and green shawls and dresses of young girls and village women!
These people are inhabitants of Poggio Bustone, who came here on a pilgrimage and are now returning home.
...And here is that inside the church a song resounds and that, from its dark nave appears in the sun a banner of the Virgin, carried by a sturdy priest and followed by a numerous troop of young girls all in white; after which come no less numerous, women dressed in the popular costume sparkling under the bright light of an Italian noon, like a field of Dutch tulips!
Then comes a crucifix, escorted by the group of men and, behind them, it is the music, a noisy fanfare of twelve brass instruments.
Sometimes the band plays a piece from its repertoire, sometimes the girls, in unison, sing a monotonous and infinite canticle, where the same refrain always reappears:

Eviva Maria,
E chi la creô !
Eviva Maria,
E chi la creô !


All parts + Score A3

Duration: 8'

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